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Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 11:39 AM *
I've lots of things to say about yesterday.
As I came home late,
I can't post about yesterday.

Slept till 10.30am in the morning yesterday,
same for today.
the aircon was not switched off!
Laze in bed.
Stayed at home,
using the computer and watching television.
Ate lunch in my mom's room.
Went to my grandma's house and continue watching television.
Played wii and used the computer to play Maple,
it's been a long time since I played Maple.
Bathe and then played wii again.
Went out for dinner,
at chong pang for Thai food.
Sat outside,
no aircon because it's full house inside,
but it's going to rain though,
so it's still rather cooling.
Celebrated grandma's birthday,
ate black pepper crab,
pineapple rice, etc.
It was such a sumptious dinner.
Grandma said to give me her diamond necklace,
then my father asked my sisters why grandma gave it to me but not to them.
Went to CWP,
bought a shorts,
but need to alter it.
Too loose!
Then go shopping, again,
while sisters and aunt and cousins and uncle went up to Timezone.
Went to Chameleon(whatever the spelling is)
and bought 2 clips,
the're like small hats,
it's not used to clip hair but for some decoration purposes or something,
father say cute and I said so also,
so he bought 2 of it for me and my sisters.
Then go to sportslink,
wanted to buy school shoes for sister,
as her Nike school shoes(originally mine, gave it to her because my school needs black shoes) is spoiled,
have a happy face at the sole.
Did not go hame but spent a night at my aunt's place.
Had a difficult time trying to sleep,
dont know why.

Woke up at 10.30 today,
grandpa made me breakfast.
Something with his own recipe,
prata with some other thing,
which I dont know what's that.

Sunday, November 15, 2009 @ 11:50 AM *

@ 11:34 AM *
did not post for two/three days so I'm going to tell what happen.

Fenrong came to my house to do chinese homework.
Come to my room,
say very princessy.
Alot of stuffed toys and pinky.
Then have lunch.
Showed her my Build-A-Bear bears Cupcake and Vanilla.
She say be my stuffed toys very fortunate,
have clothes to wear and is full set some more,
say her stuffed toys some have shirt only,
some have pants only,
some the whole set,
and some never wear.
Then do the Chinese 2006 HMT paper,
do almost finish,
left with only one comprehension.
Then play Monopoly Deal,
Fenrong won 2 games and I won two also.
Then play Uno Staker,
always I lose,
because I very daring,
last one always not so loose one,
then I dare to push.

Went for tuition in the morning,
English tuition finished early,
nothing to do,
so spam Xinyi's inbox,
I spam only 3 then she 'buay tahan' already.
Maths tuition,
finished homework early.
After tuition,
got next weeks worksheet in advance beacuse going on holiday
and cannot go for makeup lesson.
Then go for cousin's birthday party.
Sisters went swimming,
but I never go,
dont feel like swimming.
Sit beside the swimming pool,
under the shade with an umbrella for a while,
while listening to my MP4
feel like in paradise.
Then played with my cousins,
then go to table tennis court play table tennis,
never play for a long time already.
Then play,
play with balloons,
musical chairs(which I did not play),
and those balloons which you need to blow with a stick and like bubbles like that,
one for my cousin and I used that and make one that looked like a bear.
Played table tennis with my uncle and father,
pay with uncle,
always hit into the net,
then play with father okay.
Uncle say I'm rather good,
Never play for like 1 year?
Play with cousins table tennis,
always I win one.
Sing birthday song,
then want to smash my birthday cousin's head into the durian cake.
Also said next year buy magic candles for him to blow,
and smash his face once we take out the magic candles,
Then come home.
Late already.

Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 8:03 PM *
I did not post yesterday because I was lazy.
Went to Fenrong's house to do maths.
Finish already then play Monopoly Deal Card Game.
Then come home,
almost rain.

stayed at home,
put music into my MP4 in the morning.
Then watch TV for the rest of the day.

Nothing to post these few days,
holiday nothing to do.
Lucky have homework,

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 1:59 PM *
I'm going to change the blogskin soon.

Woke up today and did Math's homework,
I managed to finish Chapter 8 in 2 days,
plus I did both in like 4hours?
Did not do chapter 7,
did some with Fenrong,
and I promised her that I will not do any capter 7 pratices without her,
because I brought her Maths textbook home as I've lost mine.

Looked for my build-a-bear certificate,
can't find both of them(have 2 beacuse I have 2 bears for myself).

The panda bear which my mom bought for herself
two days ago was not as cute as the one showed on the flyer itself.
But it's still cute though,
but still feel that my Latte Teddy's cuter.
Dont tell my mummy!
I suddenly feel that my house is full of stuffed toys and sweets.
After donating two huge containers of toys to the salvation army.
Zzz -.-
Donate alot, then buy more come back.

I think the toys in my house is more than enough to exhibit them in a toy museum.

I feel so bored at home now.
Went to blogskins.com and searched for teddy bear skins,
I love the pictures but the skin, not very much.
total of 34 pages and after 17pages,
still no skins that suits me.

Tag Replies
Ivan: XD
Dur: :D
ZY: Relink already.
Felicia: Hi! :)
jinwen: Ellos!~
Ruru: Hi, you're not a bad girl. You're a bad bad bad girl, want to steal my darling panda bear. :) LOL.

Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 7:20 PM *
today nothing much to do.
Went to Suntec after breakfast,
had lunch.
Then go to biuld-a-bear to build a panda bear.
Tried on alot of nice clothings,
but the panda looks good in pants,
not skirts and dresses,
it also looks good with bright colours,
and they're meant to be sporty.
Took a long time deciding on the clothes.
Went shopping at careffour(dont know how to spell),
bought Monopoly Deal card game and Cluedo the mini version,
then bought New Moon book.
Went to first floor,
bought many mushrooms(from Korea, again as it tastes good).
Came home.
Lots of things not interesting,
and lazy to post...

Saturday, November 7, 2009 @ 4:33 PM *
Dont feel like doing anymore Maths,
so many maths homework.

Just come back from tuition...
write marks.
Then one guy,
he go see other's handphone number.
Then send me crap.
-,- ZZZ

Maths learn algebra,
something like that one.
Learn before already.
Do finish early,
faster than alot of people,
then all correct.
Then remainding time go do Mr Vijay's maths homework.

Tomorrow need to go Suntec buy Panda Bear from Build-A-Bear.

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lovelies came since 231009.
Listening to 12 songs on shuffle.

The Past
❤October 2009
❤November 2009